Wednesday 15 June 2011

Sunshine and Golf!

Last week was awesome.

Friday was the Mayor's golf tournament at Goose Hummock outside of Gibbons. The Economic Development department as well as some other Sturgeon County employees did set-up at the Goose on Thursday night.

See how beautifully those napkins are folded into little fans??? I did a significant portion of those. Napkin origami is a hidden talent of mine apparently ;) The table arrangements were donated by a location greenhouse/adventure farm that is also a member of the Sturgeon County Bounty.

The Boonstock truck was there for the day, as well there were some gift baskets given out as door prizes - full weekend concert and camping passes with merch - so awesome. Boonstock is happening June 29-July 2 so I am going to try and make it out there for a day if Canada Day doesn't get too crazy! We drove by where they hold it, and it is literally a giant field in the middle of nowhere. It's going to be awesome.
And this... is a BARBECUE! It was a donated prize for the tournament that was raffled off at the end of the day - very cool. I was a little sad that I didn't get to enter to win this prize...

The tournament was a huge success - we had beautiful weather, 172 golfers, and everyone had alot of fun. There was a ton of hole sponsors, and we even had people serving food at a bunch of the holes - including some local strawberry shortcake, burgers, and pork medallions. And THEN there was also a steak dinner at the end. I left with a full belly and a touch of sunstroke- all in a day's work!

I had such a blast, and they raised over $19,000 for the Sturgeon Foundation and West Sturgeon Aging in Place Foundation, which offers assisted senior living and programming in Sturgeon County. 

Now that the golf tournament is over, everyone is gearing up for Canada Day... only 2 weeks away, it is finally starting to scare me a little bit! I will post some links to the event on Facebook, just wanted to wait until we had the event website a little further along.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

June 7 - Golf Tournament Week!

I came home to work today because the Mayor's Golf Tournament is on Friday and the next couple of days will be very busy at the office, so I wanted to get some Augustana work done while I can. The Bounty Canada Day event is coming together, I feel like the days are speeding by - I feel a little anxious but excited! With every new menu item that comes in, there is greater anticipation for the big day. The Mayor's Golf Tournament is near Gibbons at Goose Hummock Golf Resort, I will be helping with the tournament all day probably taking photos of golfers, setting up prizes, etc.

Monday 6 June 2011

Had a very busy week with grad, etc. Lots to do with the Canada Day event, will post more tonight at home!